Sl. No. | Subject | Date | VIEW / DOWNLOAD |
1 | Holiday Notice | 13/03/2025 | |
2 | NOTICE | 10/03/2025 | |
3 | Distribution of B.A. 1st Semester review Marksheet (CBCS) | 08/03/2025 | |
4 | 3Rd semester (NEP)exam form fill up - 2024. | 07/03/2025 | |
5 | 3rd semester form fillup reopen | 03/03/2025 | |
6 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester Students Registration 2024-25 | 03/03/2025 | |
7 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester Review | 03/03/2025 | |
8 | Holiday notice | 25/02/2025 | |
9 | NOTICE | 22/02/2025 | |
10 | Notice regarding 3Rd semester (NEP)exam form fill up - 2024. | 21/02/2025 | |
11 | Distribution of 2nd Semester Marksheet | 19/02/2025 | |
12 | 3Rd semester (CBCS)exam form fill up Re-open Circular - 2024. | 17/02/2025 | |
13 | Notice for 1st semester (CBCS) From fillup | 17/02/2025 | |
14 | 4th semester Review Re-open Circular.2024 | 13/02/2025 | |
15 | Holiday Notice | 12/02/2025 | |
16 | 3Rd semester (CBCS)exam form fill up Re-open Circular - 2024. | 10/02/2025 | |
17 | Notice Regarding Scholarship | 05/02/2025 | |
18 | Holiday Notice | 31/01/2025 | |
19 | Notice | 31/01/2025 | |
20 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester Marksheet Distribution (CBCS) | 30/01/2025 | |
21 | NOTICE | 24/01/2025 | |
22 | Notice Regarding Semester 3rd (CBCS) form fillup | 24/01/2025 | |
23 | Notice | 23/01/2025 | |
24 | Notice regarding 4th semester Review | 21/01/2025 | |
25 | Class suspense notice | 13/01/2025 | |
26 | Notice regarding 5th semester form fillup Re-open | 13/01/2025 | |
27 | Holiday Notice | 13/01/2025 | |
28 | Notice regarding ABC ID for 1st sem student 2024-25 | 08/01/2025 | |
29 | Notice Regarding Annual Sports Meet 2024-25 | 07/01/2025 | |
30 | Notice Regarding 4th Semester mark sheet Distribution | 07/01/2025 | |
31 | Notice For 1st semester student 2024-25 | 02/01/2025 | |
32 | Notice Regarding 5th Semester form fillup Re-open | 01/01/2025 | |
33 | Notice Regarding 3rd semester internal examination | 24/12/2024 | |
34 | Holiday Notice | 24/12/2024 | |
35 | U.G. 5TH SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE-,2024 | 23/12/2024 | |
36 | Notice Regarding ABC ID | 19/12/2024 | |
37 | Notice regarding 3rd semester review | 19/12/2024 | |
38 | Notice Regarding 5th Semester form fillup | 18/12/2024 | |
39 | Holiday Notice | 17/12/2024 | |
40 | Notice Regarding Scholarship | 17/12/2024 | |
41 | Notice | 17/12/2024 | |
42 | Class suspense notice | 16/12/2024 | |
43 | 5th & 3rd Semester Internal Examination Routine - 2024 | 04/12/2024 | |
44 | 5th & 3rd Semester Internal Examination Routine - 2024 | 04/12/2024 | |
45 | Holiday Notice | 03/12/2024 | |
46 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester Review | 03/12/2024 | |
47 | Notice regarding subject change for 1st semester students 2024-25 | 30/11/2024 | |
48 | Notice | 30/11/2024 | |
49 | Notice | 29/11/2024 | |
50 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester (NEP) Marksheet Distribution | 28/11/2024 | |
51 | Re-open U.G.1st and 6th semester Review Circular | 25/11/2024 | |
52 | Notice Regarding 1st and 6th Semester review reopen | 18/11/2024 | |
53 | Class Routine 1st, 3rd & 5th Semester 2024-25 | 13/11/2024 | |
54 | Notice regarding I Card distribution | 13/11/2024 | |
55 | Notice Regarding Identity Card Distribution | 12/11/2024 | |
56 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester Identity Card Distribution | 08/11/2024 | |
57 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester Library Card Distribution | 06/11/2024 | |
58 | Holiday notice | 05/10/2024 | |
59 | Notice Regarding 6th Semester Review | 04/10/2024 | |
60 | Notice Regarding 6th Semester Marksheet Distribution | 03/10/2024 | |
61 | Holiday Notice | 01/10/2024 | |
62 | 2nd sem (NEP) and 4th sem Lab Practical and SEC exam notice | 30/09/2024 | |
63 | Notice Regarding Scholarship | 27/09/2024 | |
64 | U.G.1st Semester (CBCS) Review Portal Re-open Circular | 23/09/2024 | |
65 | U.G. 2nd semester exam form fill up Re-Open Circular (CBCS) | 22/09/2024 | |
66 | Notice | 18/09/2024 | |
68 | Holiday Notice | 13/09/2024 | |
69 | Notice | 12/09/2024 | |
70 | 3rd Phase Admission Notice 1st Semester -2024-25 | 11/09/2024 | |
71 | 4th semester Physical Education GE Lab Practical Examination | 09/09/2024 | |
72 | U.G. 4th Semester Examination Revised Schedule,2024 | 07/09/2024 | |
73 | NOTICE | 07/09/2024 | |
74 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester form fillup Re-open(CBCS) | 06/09/2024 | |
75 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester form fillup (NEP) | 04/09/2024 | |
76 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester(CBCS) Review | 04/09/2024 | |
77 | U.G. 4th semester exam form fill up Re-Open Circular | 03/09/2024 | |
78 | Notice | 02/09/2024 | |
79 | Notice | 02/09/2024 | |
80 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester (NEP) internal examination | 02/09/2024 | |
81 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester (NEP) internal examination | 02/09/2024 | |
82 | 2nd Semester internal 2024 Notice | 30/08/2024 | |
83 | Physical verification of newly admitted students in Mop-up round for 2024-25 in 1st Semester | 29/08/2024 | |
84 | Notice | 28/08/2024 | |
85 | 4th semester exam form fill up Re-open Circular.2024 | 27/08/2024 | |
86 | Holiday Notice | 24/08/2024 | |
87 | Notice | 24/08/2024 | |
88 | Notice for 1st semester session - 2024-25 | 23/08/2024 | |
89 | Class Routine For 1st,2nd and 4th Semester | 23/08/2024 | |
90 | Notice Regarding Library Card of 1st semester 2024-25 | 21/08/2024 | |
91 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester(CBCS) Mark sheet distribution | 20/08/2024 | |
92 | 4th semester exam form fill up Re-open Circular - 2024. | 17/08/2024 | |
93 | Holiday Notice | 17/08/2024 | |
94 | Notice | 14/08/2024 | |
95 | Notice | 14/08/2024 | |
96 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester form fillup (CBCS) | 09/08/2024 | |
97 | notice for 1st semester students 2024-25 | 06/08/2024 | |
98 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester Document Verification -2024-25 | 05/08/2024 | |
99 | Notice regarding 3rd semester review | 26/07/2024 | |
100 | Notice Regarding 4th Semester form fillup | 26/07/2024 | |
101 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester Admission 2024-25 (2nd phase) | 25/07/2024 | |
102 | NoticeRegarding Schedule of Physical Verification of Provisionally admitted Students in 1st Semester, 2024-25 | 25/07/2024 | |
103 | Meeting regarding Alumni Association Welfare Society | 24/07/2024 | |
104 | Notice regarding 6th semester fresh result | 18/07/2024 | |
105 | Notice Regarding 3rd Semester Marksheet Distribution | 16/07/2024 | |
106 | Holiday Notice | 16/07/2024 | |
107 | Notice for 6th semester form fillup reopen | 13/07/2024 | |
108 | Revised Notice for 4th Sem. Internal Examination-2024 | 10/07/2024 | |
109 | Notice for B.A. 4th Sem Internal Examination | 05/07/2024 | |
110 | Notice for B.A. 6th Sem. Internal Examination | 05/07/2024 | |
111 | Notice Regarding 6th semester form fillup (Reopen) | 02/07/2024 | |
112 | U.G.6TH SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE,2024 | 27/06/2024 | |
113 | Notice | 19/06/2024 | |
114 | Notice Regarding 5th Semester Review | 19/06/2024 | |
115 | Holiday Notice | 15/06/2024 | |
116 | Notice Regarding 6th Semester form fillup | 13/06/2024 | |
117 | Notice | 11/06/2024 | |
118 | Notice | 03/06/2024 | |
119 | Notice regarding 5th sem review | 28/05/2024 | |
120 | Class Routine 2nd 4th and 6th semester. | 26/05/2024 | |
121 | Notice regarding 5th Semester marksheet distribution | 24/05/2024 | |
122 | Holiday Notice | 21/05/2024 | |
123 | NOTICE | 10/05/2024 | |
124 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester ENVS Project | 09/05/2024 | |
125 | Holiday Notice | 07/05/2024 | |
126 | Notice | 29/04/2024 | |
127 | NOTICE | 29/04/2024 | |
128 | Notice | 19/04/2024 | |
129 | Notice for 1st semester Identity Card | 19/04/2024 | |
130 | Notice for Holiday of Ram Nabami | 16/04/2024 | |
131 | 1st Semester (NEP) Exam form fill up Re-open Notice | 14/04/2024 | |
132 | Notice for Celebrated of B.R. Ambedkar Birthday | 10/04/2024 | |
133 | Holiday For Eid-Ul-Fitor 2024 | 10/04/2024 | |
134 | Class Routine 2nd, 4th, & 6th Semester 2024 | 09/04/2024 | |
135 | !st Semester (NEP) Final Examination Schedule | 08/04/2024 | |
136 | !st Semester (NEP) Final Examination Schedule | 08/04/2024 | |
137 | !st Semester (NEP) Final Examination Schedule | 08/04/2024 | |
138 | Holiday for Birthday of Harichand Thakur | 04/04/2024 | |
139 | Add on Course Enrollment Notice 23-24 | 02/04/2024 | |
140 | NOTICE | 01/04/2024 | |
141 | 1st Semester Dept. of ENVS, Teacher- Student meeting, Notice | 30/03/2024 | |
142 | 1st Semester, Dept. of Education Teacher - Student meeting, Notice | 30/03/2024 | |
143 | 1st Semester (NEP) MDC course name notice | 30/03/2024 | |
144 | 1st Semester (NEP) Registration Certificate Distribution Notice | 29/03/2024 | |
145 | 1st Semester (NEP) Final Examination Form Fill up Notice | 29/03/2024 | |
146 | Notice for Teacher -students Meeting, Dept. of Bengali | 28/03/2024 | |
147 | Notice for Dept. of Philosophy Teacher-Students Meeting | 28/03/2024 | |
148 | Notice for Teacher - Students Meeting, Dept. of History | 28/03/2024 | |
149 | Notice for College Identity Card Distribution of 1st Sem. Student-2023-24 | 27/03/2024 | |
150 | Holiday Notice | 27/03/2024 | |
151 | Holiday Notice | 22/03/2024 | |
152 | Student Notice | 22/03/2024 | |
153 | Re-open Notice for 1st semester exam form fill up | 21/03/2024 | |
154 | UG 1st Sem. Examination 2023 Schedule (Old Candidates) | 19/03/2024 | |
155 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester(2023-24) Identity Card Distribution | 16/03/2024 | |
156 | Notice regarding Seminar for student Credit Card | 15/03/2024 | |
157 | Notice for 1St semester formfillup (re-open) | 13/03/2024 | |
158 | NOTICE for 1st semester students | 13/03/2024 | |
159 | NOTICE | 12/03/2024 | |
160 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester Marksheet Distribution | 12/03/2024 | |
161 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester Review | 09/03/2024 | |
162 | NOTICE | 06/03/2024 | |
163 | Notice regarding 3rd semester geography practical exam | 06/03/2024 | |
164 | Notice Regarding Scholarship | 04/03/2024 | |
165 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester Marksheet Distribution | 03/03/2024 | |
166 | Notice regarding 1st semester form fillup (Old) | 29/02/2024 | |
167 | Notice regarding 1st sem registration Reopen | 28/02/2024 | |
168 | Revised MDC Library Science Internal Examination 2023 | 24/02/2024 | |
169 | NOTICE | 24/02/2024 | |
170 | Reminder Notice regarding 1st semester registration -2023-24 | 24/02/2024 | |
171 | Seminar Dept. of History, Research Methodology | 20/02/2024 | |
172 | MDC, VAC, Philosophy 1st Semester Internal Notice | 20/02/2024 | |
173 | Notice regarding 1st semester internal examination (Bengali) | 19/02/2024 | |
174 | 1st Semester Dept. of History Internal Examination 2023-24 Notice | 17/02/2024 | |
175 | 1st Semester Internal Examination - 2023 | 17/02/2024 | |
176 | Notice Regarding 1st semester Registration 2023-24 | 16/02/2024 | |
177 | Revised schedule for 3rd Semester Final Examination -2023 | 16/02/2024 | |
178 | Notice regarding re-open 3rd sem from fillup | 16/02/2024 | |
179 | Examination Schedule for U.G. 3RD SEMESTER,2023 | 09/02/2024 | |
180 | Notice regarding 5th sem geography practical exam | 07/02/2024 | |
181 | Notice regarding 5th sem geography practical examination | 06/02/2024 | |
182 | Notice regarding UG Certificate Distribution | 01/02/2024 | |
183 | Notice Regarding 3rd Semester form fillup | 31/01/2024 | |
184 | Notice Regarding ABC ID | 30/01/2024 | |
185 | 5th Semester Form fillup Reopen | 29/01/2024 | |
186 | Notice | 29/01/2024 | |
187 | NOTICE | 25/01/2024 | |
188 | NOTICE | 22/01/2024 | |
189 | U.G. 5TH SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE,2023 | 22/01/2024 | |
190 | Notice Regarding 5th Semester form fillup Re-open | 22/01/2024 | |
191 | 3rd Semester Internal Examination - 2023, Notice For Dept. of History | 19/01/2024 | |
192 | 3rd Semester Internal Examination Notice 2023 | 17/01/2024 | |
193 | NOTICE For Awareness Camp | 17/01/2024 | |
194 | Notice for 5 semester formfillup (re-open) | 15/01/2024 | |
195 | NOTICE | 11/01/2024 | |
196 | Notice for workshop regarding voter awareness and EVM demonstration | 08/01/2024 | |
197 | 5th Semester Internal Examination 2023, Dept. of History | 06/01/2024 | |
198 | Internal Examination of 5th Semester Notice -2024 | 04/01/2024 | |
199 | NOTICE | 03/01/2024 | |
200 | Notice for Students' week Observation | 26/12/2023 | |
201 | Notice | 23/12/2023 | |
202 | Notice regarding 5th semester form fillup | 22/12/2023 | |
203 | Notice regarding Marksheet Distribution (4th semester) | 21/12/2023 | |
204 | Notice regarding 4th semester Review | 21/12/2023 | |
205 | Notice Regarding seminar | 20/12/2023 | |
206 | Notice Regarding Seminar | 19/12/2023 | |
207 | Notice for One day State Level Seminar- Organised by Central Library and IQAC | 18/12/2023 | |
208 | CLASS ROUTINE | 18/12/2023 | |
209 | NOTICE | 16/12/2023 | |
210 | NOTICE | 14/12/2023 | |
211 | notice | 12/12/2023 | |
212 | Library Notice for 1st Sem Student | 08/12/2023 | |
213 | Notice for Library Card Distributin for 1st Sem Student | 08/12/2023 | |
214 | Details of Multidisciplinary Course of 1st SEM | 07/12/2023 | |
215 | Notice for Indoor Sports | 07/12/2023 | |
216 | Notice | 06/12/2023 | |
217 | notice regarding seminar | 06/12/2023 | |
218 | Notice From Career Guidance and Counselling Committee | 05/12/2023 | |
219 | notice regarding seminar | 30/11/2023 | |
220 | Seminar, Dept. of History | 28/11/2023 | |
221 | NOTICE | 25/11/2023 | |
222 | Notice regarding Seminar | 25/11/2023 | |
223 | Notice regarding Magazine | 23/11/2023 | |
224 | NOTICE | 23/11/2023 | |
225 | NOTICE | 18/11/2023 | |
226 | NOTICE | 18/11/2023 | |
227 | Notice for Scholarship | 17/11/2023 | |
228 | WBHED-Cloud Computing | 08/11/2023 | |
229 | WBHED - Generative AI | 08/11/2023 | |
230 | Notice of Education Symposium for all Students | 01/11/2023 | |
231 | IBM Training for all Students Registration Notice | 17/10/2023 | |
232 | Notice | 17/10/2023 | |
233 | 2nd semester Practical Examination (Physical Education) | 11/10/2023 | |
234 | Notice for Seminar | 09/10/2023 | |
235 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester Practical examination | 05/10/2023 | |
236 | Notice | 03/10/2023 | |
237 | Notice for seminar | 03/10/2023 | |
238 | Notice Regarding 1st semester | 30/09/2023 | |
239 | notice | 30/09/2023 | |
240 | Notice Regarding 6th Semester Review | 27/09/2023 | |
241 | NOTICE | 27/09/2023 | |
242 | Notice regarding 6th semester mark sheet distribution | 26/09/2023 | |
243 | Notice for Celebration of Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar Birthday | 23/09/2023 | |
244 | Notice regarding seminar | 23/09/2023 | |
245 | NOTICE | 23/09/2023 | |
246 | notice for 2nd semester form fillup | 23/09/2023 | |
247 | notice for 1st semester students 2023-24 | 23/09/2023 | |
248 | Class Suspension Notice | 20/09/2023 | |
249 | Notice regarding 4 semester practical exam | 16/09/2023 | |
250 | Notice for 1st semester students library card | 16/09/2023 | |
251 | Notice For 1st semester and 5th semester class | 16/09/2023 | |
252 | NOTICE | 16/09/2023 | |
253 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester form fillup | 16/09/2023 | |
254 | Notice for Seminar History Department | 16/09/2023 | |
255 | notice regarding seminar | 15/09/2023 | |
256 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester Subject Change | 15/09/2023 | |
257 | 2nd semester Final Examination Schedule-2023 | 14/09/2023 | |
258 | NOTICE | 12/09/2023 | |
259 | NOTICE | 12/09/2023 | |
260 | Notice regarding 2nd semester Internal Examination | 09/09/2023 | |
261 | NOTICE | 09/09/2023 | |
262 | Notice regarding 4th semester geography practical examination | 09/09/2023 | |
263 | Notice for 4th Semester students | 08/09/2023 | |
264 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester Review | 07/09/2023 | |
265 | NOTICE | 04/09/2023 | |
266 | Notice Regarding 2nd semester ENVS (Project) | 01/09/2023 | |
267 | Notice Regarding 2nd Semester form fillup | 31/08/2023 | |
268 | NOTICE | 28/08/2023 | |
269 | NOTICE | 28/08/2023 | |
270 | NOTICE for 4th semester examination centre | 21/08/2023 | |
271 | 4th semester Examination revised Schedule | 21/08/2023 | |
272 | 4th Semester Reopen form fil up notice | 19/08/2023 | |
273 | NOTICE | 17/08/2023 | |
274 | Notice Regarding 4th sem form fillup re-open. | 14/08/2023 | |
276 | NOTICE | 12/08/2023 | |
277 | NOTICE | 12/08/2023 | |
278 | Revised schedule for 4 th Semester Internal Examination | 11/08/2023 | |
279 | Seminar on Research Methods in Social Sciences organized by Dept of History & Political Science in Collaboration with | 11/08/2023 | |
280 | Brochure- Seminar on Research Methods in Social Sciences organized by History Department RBCC-2-1 | 11/08/2023 | |
282 | NOTICE | 06/08/2023 | |
283 | Notice regarding 1st semester admission 2nd phase | 04/08/2023 | |
284 | Notice regarding 6th sem Geography practical Examination . | 04/08/2023 | |
285 | Notice regarding 3rd Semester Mark Sheet Distribution | 03/08/2023 | |
286 | Notice Regarding 3rd Semester Review | 02/08/2023 | |
287 | Notice for verification 1st Semester students-2023-24 | 01/08/2023 | |
288 | NOTICE REGARDING MSME | 29/07/2023 | |
289 | NOTICE | 28/07/2023 | |
290 | Notice regarding 1st semester admission 2023-24 | 27/07/2023 | |
291 | notice redarging 1st semester admission 2023-24 | 27/07/2023 | |
293 | 6th semester PRACTICAL EXAM-2023 NOTICE | 25/07/2023 | |
294 | notice for 6th sem internal exmination | 14/07/2023 | |
296 | NOTICE | 11/07/2023 | |
297 | NOTICE | 06/07/2023 | |
299 | Class Routine for all semester | 02/07/2023 | |
300 | Emergent Admission Notice 2023-24 | 01/07/2023 | |
301 | Notice Regarding 6th semester form fillup | 01/07/2023 | |
302 | Notice regarding 1st semester admission 2023-24 | 30/06/2023 | |
303 | Notice | 28/06/2023 | |
304 | notice | 26/06/2023 | |
305 | Notice | 19/06/2023 | |
308 | notice | 10/06/2023 | |
309 | Notice regarding 5th semester Review | 06/06/2023 | |
310 | 6th semester internal examination notice | 31/05/2023 | |
311 | Notice for 5th semeste Marksheet distribution | 30/05/2023 | |
313 | Notice for 6th sem admission and form fillup | 22/05/2023 | |
314 | 6th Semester Examination Schedule 2023 | 17/05/2023 | |
315 | Notice for Class started 2nd, 4th & 6th Semester | 16/05/2023 | |
316 | Notice for Geography Practical exam.2022 (1st sem) | 10/05/2023 | |
317 | NOTICE | 08/05/2023 | |
318 | NOTICE | 04/05/2023 | |
319 | NOTICE | 29/04/2023 | |
321 | Notice | 15/04/2023 | |
322 | NOTICE | 11/04/2023 | |
323 | Notice regarding 1st semester internal examination | 05/04/2023 | |
324 | Notice Regarding 1st Semester Certer Distribution, 2022 | 05/04/2023 | |
325 | NOTICE | 05/04/2023 | |
326 | NOTICE FOR ABC ID | 05/04/2023 | |
327 | NOTICE | 31/03/2023 | |
329 | Revised Notice regarding 1st semester form fillup | 29/03/2023 | |
330 | 1st Semester Final Examination Routine-2022 | 28/03/2023 | |
331 | Notice for class resumption of 1st, 4th & 6th semester students | 24/03/2023 | |
332 | NOTICE FOR SCHOLARSHIP | 21/03/2023 | |
333 | Notice for 3Rd semester Geography programme course practical examination | 21/03/2023 | |
334 | 3rd SEM PC LAB PRACTICAL EXAM NOTICE | 14/03/2023 | |
336 | NOTICE FOR 1st SEMESTER FORM FILLUP | 10/03/2023 | |
337 | Holiday Notice for Dol &Holi Utsab | 06/03/2023 | |
338 | NOTICE FOR BASANTA UTSAB | 28/02/2023 | |
339 | Notice for class suspension | 23/02/2023 | |
340 | Notice for 1st Semester Student Identity Card and Registration & 3rd Semester Student Admit Card | 20/02/2023 | |
341 | Holiday Notice for Shivratri | 16/02/2023 | |
342 | Class Reopen Notice | 15/02/2023 | |
343 | Holiday Notice | 13/02/2023 | |
344 | Revised Programme for UG 3rd Semester Final Examination 2022 | 13/02/2023 | |
345 | Notice for 3rd Semester Final Examination Form fillup | 13/02/2023 | |
346 | Scholarship Notice | 10/02/2023 | |
347 | Notice for 3rd Semester Students Admit Card Distribution | 09/02/2023 | |
348 | Reschedule Physical Education Practical Examination of 5th Semester Programme Course | 07/02/2023 | |
349 | Centre Distribution for B.A, B.Sc, B.Com. 3rd Semester Examination-2022 | 07/02/2023 | |
350 | Re-schedule of 3rd Semester Internal examination 2022 | 06/02/2023 | |
351 | Notice for 3rd Semester Final Examination Form fillup | 02/02/2023 | |
352 | Notice for Geography Practical Examination of 5th Semester (Final) | 02/02/2023 | |
353 | Notice for 5th Semester Geography Hons Practical Final Examination | 02/02/2023 | |
354 | Notice for Schedule of 5th Semester Practical Examination of Physical Education | 02/02/2023 | |
355 | Notice for 5th Semester Programme Course Physical Education Practical Examination | 28/01/2023 | |
356 | NOTICE for U.G. 3RD SEMESTER FINAL PROGRAMME,2022 | 27/01/2023 | |
357 | Celebrations of Netaji Birthday & 26th January Notice | 21/01/2023 | |
358 | Holiday Notice for Swarasati Puja | 21/01/2023 | |
359 | Distribution of 5th Semester Admit Card Notice | 20/01/2023 | |
360 | Registration for 1st Semester Students 2022-23 | 19/01/2023 | |
361 | Notice for 3rd Semester Final Examination Form Fillup 2022 | 16/01/2023 | |
362 | Reminder Notice for 3rd Semester Form Fillup | 16/01/2023 | |
363 | Notice for Class Suspension | 14/01/2023 | |
364 | Class Suspension Notice for 1st & 3rd Semester Students due to 5th Semester Final Examination 2022 | 14/01/2023 | |
365 | Environmental Studies Project for 1st Semester Students Notice | 05/01/2023 | |
366 | 5th Semester Internal Examination (2022) Notice for Absentee Students. | 04/01/2023 | |
367 | Reschedule Annual Sports Meet Notice 2022 | 04/01/2023 | |
368 | Notice for Class Suspension | 02/01/2023 | |
369 | NIRF Data Certificate 2023. | 02/01/2023 | |
370 | 3rd Semester Internal Examination Routine 2022 | 26/12/2022 | |
371 | College Annual Sports 2022-23 Notice | 24/12/2022 | |
372 | Notice | 23/12/2022 | |