Understanding of Bengali language, literature and race in the context of socio-cultural
and political background of Greater Bengal.
Students will be able to form an idea of mediaeval Bengali literature like Translation
studies, Hagiographies, Lyrical poetries, Mangalkavya etc.
Students become able to get fair picture of history of Modern Bengali literature like
prose, formation period of Bengali prose, Bengali essays, Bengali periodicals and
magazines, poetry, Bengali novel and short stories.
The students would get a deeper understanding of both synchronic and diachronic
linguistics of Bengali language.
Students will be able to conceptualize Bengali rhetoric and prosody.
The students are introduced to the deeper understanding of the definitions, features
and classifications of short stories and different genre of novels.
Students get an insight into the differential sensibilities that emanate from the novels
written by some vanguard novelists.
Students will be able to learn main concept of prose and essays. The lucid prose styles
of essays enable the students to comprehend multifaceted aspects of culture.
Students will develop skills and practical knowledge of literature studies like spelling
rules, Proof correction, Book review, Seminar etc.
Students get to know about the foundation and rise of Bengali theatre and also learn
the concepts of Indian and western literary theory.
Students will be able to explore enormous perspective of Bangladesh and literature of
Students will be able to grasp the essence of environmental aspect in Bengali
Students will clearly learn about both history of English and Sanskrit literature.
Students will comprehend misc. collection of Bengali folk literature.
Students will be able to learn main concept of biography, autobiography and
Students will develop skills and practical knowledge of literature studies, article,
advertisement and Proof correction.
Students get acquainted about nineteenth and twentieth century lyrical poetry.
To develop basic concepts regarding business transactions, business strategies, book
keeping, economic principles and management etc.
To learn the students how to apply the basic principles and theories acquired by them
in accountancy, auditing, cost and management etc.
To develop skills as technical skills, conceptual skills and practical skills in the field
of industry, commerce, management and accountancy.
Students will be able to gauze the dimension of English Literature and the gradual
evolution of English language.
The inclusive CBCS English syllabus enables the students to know and judge
international literature either written or translated in English. From ancient Greek or
Sanskrit literature to contemporary African literature, the students can form a clear
The capability of expressing oneself explicitly with the capacity of critical thinking
and analytical power enhances.
The students can discern the intrinsic pattern of moral conundrums etched in everyday
life and can choose the right way based on the value system which has been
inculcated in them by both the syllabus and the institution.
The students will be able to judge the literary value of any literary text based on their
extensive acquaintance with various types of literature.
The students become more sociable, interacting with others freely and appropriately,
stating their views clearly and recognizing and accepting gracefully differences in
Career scope for students of English literature and language is quite bright as they
become quite efficient for the careers like media, journalism, publishing, research and
teaching with the help of their ability of clear thinking, skill of interpretation, power
of analysis and capability of expressing themselves clearly.
After Graduation learners will be able to
Get an idea of the philosophical bases in education.
Acquired knowledge of the western amd Indian schools of philosophy and their impact on
Know about the education in ancient and mediaeval India.
Understand about the development of education from 1947-1992
Develop a concept of psychology and its relationship with education.
Understand different aspects of learning and intelligence and relate that with education.
Develop a concept of sociology and its different perspectives related to education.
Get an idea of social development and the role of education.
Students also learn about social groups, social change and social communication in
Students acquire in depth knowledge about guidance and counselling in education, its
meaning, functions, techniques etc.
Learners develop understanding of the concept of measurement and evaluation in education.
Get an idea and skill about the concept of statistics and to develop skill in analyzing central
tendency and its uses in education.
After completing the three years degree course with geography Honours, the student will be able to
Progress to higher education and build a successful academic career
Sit for various competitive examinations conducted by state/ central government as
well as non government bodies
Work with basic computer skills as well as with specific GIS software
Prepare basic thematic maps, interpret them and suggest plans to correct any
Be conscious and aware citizens of the future with concern for environmental issues
like pollution, waste management, deforestation as well as in correct use and misuse
of resources
Be productive about sensitive issues like gender awareness, racial discrimination,
population explosion, social inequality, economic backwardness etc
Become conscious and democratic citizens with concern both physical and cultural
Historiographical Literacy. Students will be able to identify and describe the contours
and stakes of conversations among historians within defined historiographical fields.
Critical Thinking. Students will learn to apply historical methods to evaluate critically
the record of the past and how historians and others have interpreted it.
Writing and Intellectual Integration. Students should demonstrate their mastery of the
knowledge and skills involved in historical practice by conceptualizing and executing
a significant piece of original research.
Students will acquire a complete knowledge and sound understanding of
fundamentals of Physical Education.
They can grow practical, theoretical skills in Physical Education.
They will be prepared to acquire a range of general skills, to specific skills to
communicate with society effectively and learn independently.
Students will acquire a job efficiently in diverse fields such as B.P.Ed, M.P.Ed, SSC,
NET, SET etc.
Pupils will acquire an understanding of basic sciences that may be relevant and
appropriate to physical education and sports sciences leading to solution of complex
sports related issues and problems.
Capability to analyse the local and global impact of physical activities and sports and
games on individuals, organizations and society.
Learn about the sports condition in part as well as in present time.
Completion of this course will enable the students to Know the basics of anatomy,
physiology, exercise physiology, musculoskeletal system, circulatory system,
respiratory system.
Student will understand how to develop physical and moral qualities by physical
On completion of this course students will be able to understand psychology, learning,
learning curve, motivation, instinct, emotion, stress, personality and sociological
aspects etc.
On completion of this course students will have hands of Experience to perform
gymnastics, yogasana. They will have the concepts of asana, pranayama, surya
namaskar etc.
Understand why various awards are given in the field of sports.
To impart the basic knowledge and skills to teach Physical Education, Sports & Yoga
Learner has understood that yoga is a part of Indian old culture and important in
present life.
Be aware of the career opportunities arising out of undergoing courses in physical
education, sports and yoga.
To familiarize the students with health-related Exercise, Sports and Yoga for Overall
growth &development.
Student have learnt about safety tool which are so helpful in our daily life as well as
when we go for adventures activities.
Learnt to understand how their body part work when they perform physical activity.
Learner have able to identify the various health related problems and their solution or
preventing methods or curative methods.
Political Science provides valuable information and ideas about state, government and
many political organisations and institutions to the individual. State is the most
universal and powerful of all social institutions, and politically enlightened people are
capable of playing a useful role in social and political affairs.
Statesman, political leaders, legislators, administrators and diplomats are in charge of
running the government in different spheres. To efficiently conduct their business and
discharge their function, they need the knowledge of Political Science. Statecraft
depends on political theory.
In modern times the future leaders of the country are being educated and trained about
various aspects of government and administration in different academic institutes and
Students will be able to recognize and respect the beliefs, opinions and values of other
individuals and cultures. Moreover, students will demonstrate an awareness of
personal, social, civic, and environmental responsibility.
Students will be able to analyze, synthesize and evaluate ideas and apply analytical
skills to solve problems.
Students will be able to engage in literary research and interpret and evaluate research
The benefits of learning Sanskrit are many such as-
A lot of Indian languages like Hindi, Gujrathi and even Punjabi share root words with
Sanskrit. Therefore, learning Sanskrit will make learning a whole bunch of Indian
languages much easier.
This language holds much knowledge about society and the universe.
Snskrit is the language of Gods. Ancient texts like Vedas, Upanishad, Puranas, the
Epics and many other such books are written in this language. Students of Sanskrit
will be able to study these original texts and gain an understanding of the rich
tradition of art, literature and heritage of India.